Events by Hershey Partnership

Latest Past Events

Artemis After Hours (Ages 10 and older)

Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey

You and others assume the jobs of Captain, Helm, Science, Communication, Engineering, and Weapon Control. Together you operate your ship and defend the sector from evil aliens. Sign in to the starship "deck" at 4:00 p.m. ("After Hours" because the program continues after the library closes at 5 pm. Children under the age of 12 […]

Build Hershey

Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey

Bring your family for some fabulous LEGO fun! Architect Stephen W. Schwartz has mapped out historic Hershey so we can recreate it in LEGO form. This program is a two-hour, fast-paced, hands-on, model building experience using over 60,000 LEGO building blocks. Participants will work in teams, either family or friends. Intergenerational teams are encouraged! While […]

Hershey Partnership 15th Annual Soup Cook-Off

Join us for the 15th Annual Hershey Partnership Soup Cook-Off to benefit the Hershey Volunteer Fire Company. 15th Annual Hershey Partnership Soup Cook-Off FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and KEY INFORMATION Date:Saturday, October 6, 2018 Time: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm Cook Arrival Time: Plan to arrive between 9:00 am – 10:00 am; please sign in at the […]