Events by Hershey Partnership
Hershey Partnership 15th Annual Soup Cook-Off
Join us for the 15th Annual Hershey Partnership Soup Cook-Off to benefit the Hershey Volunteer Fire Company. 15th Annual Hershey Partnership Soup Cook-Off FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and KEY INFORMATION Date:Saturday, October 6, 2018 Time: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm Cook Arrival Time: Plan to arrive between 9:00 am – 10:00 am; please sign in at the […]
Build Hershey
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesBring your family for some fabulous LEGO fun! Architect Stephen W. Schwartz has mapped out historic Hershey so we can recreate it in LEGO form. This program is a two-hour, fast-paced, hands-on, model building experience using over 60,000 LEGO building blocks. Participants will work in teams, either family or friends. Intergenerational teams are encouraged! While […]
Artemis After Hours (Ages 10 and older)
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesYou and others assume the jobs of Captain, Helm, Science, Communication, Engineering, and Weapon Control. Together you operate your ship and defend the sector from evil aliens. Sign in to the starship "deck" at 4:00 p.m. ("After Hours" because the program continues after the library closes at 5 pm. Children under the age of 12 […]
Storytime for Grown-Ups
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesSpend an hour relaxing at the Hershey Public Library with short stories read to you by Emily Fortney. Please register for this program online, or call the library at (717) 533-6555 to speak to a staff member.
Based on the Book: Bestseller Cinema
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesThis presentation will center on the experience of reading a book and then seeing the movie and why people prefer one medium to another. Bill Wine will analyze the psychological experiences of reading and watching and will discuss the way classic and modern novels have been made into movies. Audience members are encouraged to bring […]
Beef Jerky Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Opening coming Saturday
Beef Jerky Outlet 131 W. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA, United StatesBeef Jerky Outlet Grand Opening in Hershey Towne Square Saturday Five Chances to Win Free Jerky for a Year and You Can Try It Before You Buy It The all-new, locally owned and operated Beef Jerky Outlet in downtown Hershey is celebrating its Grand Opening. Come try it before you buy it at this family-friendly […]
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesCome to the Hershey Public Library t sit back and enjoy a silent horror film classic with the Friends Fall Film Special: "Nosferatu" (1922.) Best for viewers aged 16 and older. Registration is not required. Friends provide snacks. If readers have questions, please contact Martha Brown at (717) 385-7277 or send an e-mail to harvestmoon210@yahoo.com
Edible Book Contest
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesDesign an edible creation based on the wonderful world of books! National Friends of the Library Week is October 21 to 27. Please join us on Friday, October 26 FROM 1-3:30 PM to view and vote for literary-inspired culinary creations! Register in advance to enter your own edible book. Registration forms and contest rules are also […]
Hershey Partnership Breakfast – Hosted by Chocolate World
Chocolate World 101 Chocolate World Way, Hershey, PA, United StatesCivil Democracy Program
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesWhy Citizenship is a Duty, not a Title: An Open Discussion on the Public Philosophy of Citizenship will be presented by author of “While Reason Slept”, Thomas F. Brier, Jr., Esq., a Hershey native. Registration is not necessary but is appreciated. Please register online, or call the library at (717) 533-6555. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend describes […]
Chess Tournament
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesOpen to chess players of all ages and skill levels. 3 rounds with players in Quad sections based on rating and age. Young players and players new to rated chess tournaments are welcome and encouraged to participate! Check out the details below and do not hesitate to contact the Leteef Street with any questions you […]
Aladdin – Second Saturday Special
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesCome to the Hershey Public Library to see Aladdin, presented by the Popcorn Hat Players. This event is sponsored by the Friends, and is suitable for children ages 3-5. Registration is not required. If you have questions, please contact Rita Hunt-Smith at ritahuntsmith@derrytownship.org or call the Hershey Public Library at (717) 533-6555 ext. 3708.
Adult Story Time
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesSaturday, November 17 at 2:00 p.m., take a break from the hectic Holiday rush. Come to the Hershey Public Library to enjoy Adult Story Time. Emily Fortney will read aloud "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Sherlock Holmes. It’s a great story with a fun, supernatural element to it. This program is suitable for an […]
Woodrow Wilson and the Great War
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesNeill Hartley is president Woodrow Wilson in this captivating and exciting one–man show set in the turbulent days leading up to World War I. This fully staged historical presentation will entertain and educate audiences all ages. Woodrow Wilson, a former college professor somehow defied the odds and become President of the United States. But early […]
Adult Story Time
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesSaturday, December 1 at 2:00 p.m., take a break from the hectic Holiday rush. Come to the Hershey Public Library to enjoy Adult Story Time. Emily Fortney will read aloud “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sherlock Holmes. It’s a great story with a fun, supernatural element to it. This program is suitable for an […]
9th Annual Holiday Movie Extravaganza
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesProgram for children - Come in your pajamas ready to be transported to the Jolly Old England! Join us for A Muppet Christmas Carol movie (rated G) and enjoy popcorn and apple juice and maybe even a few surprises. Registration is not required. Please contact Rita Smith at ritahuntsmith@derrytownship.org, or call 717-533-6555 ext. 3708 with […]
Winter Break Movies
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesStop in at the Hershey Public Library to watch family friendly films. Thursday, December 27 at 10:00 a.m.. “A Wrinkle in Time” (PG) Friday, December 28 at 10:00 a..m. “Moana” ((PG) No registration required. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Rita Smith at ritahuntsmith@derrytownship.org, or call the library at 717-533-6555 with any questions.
Hershey Partnership Breakfast at Isaac’s Restaurant
Isaac's Restaurant 597 East Main St., Hummelstown, PA, United StatesTwin Edens: Galapagos and the Falkland Islands
Hershey Public Library 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA, United StatesJoin naturalist Scott Weidensaul at the Hershey Public Library for an exploration of the Galapagos Islands in the equatorial Pacific and the Falkland Islands off the stormy tip of South America. These two remarkable archipelagos have much in common, from their shared history with Charles Darwin to their extraordinary diversity of life, above and below […]